Send us feedback

We welcome your views and opinions. We use your feedback to understand what we are getting right, what we are getting wrong and where we can improve.

We treat all complaints confidentially, respectfully and fairly so please get in touch.

View our Customer Feedback Policy

How to tell us what you think

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to provide feedback, so there are lots of different ways to get in touch:

You can:

  • Call us:  on 0344 736 0066
  • Email:
  • Write to us:  Commutation Plaza, 1 Commutation Row, Liverpool, L3 8QF 
  • Direct message:  through our Facebook page or Twitter channel
  • Online:  Fill in our online feedback form below here: Regenda Homes - Online feedback form

Whatever way you choose to contact us, we want to hear from you. Your feedback makes a real difference to the services we provide.

Compliments and comments: contact us and we will record and review your compliments and comments. We will use your feedback to improve services, where necessary.

Complaints: please tell us about your complaint as soon as possible. When you receive your complaint reference number and know who is dealing with it, please keep the information safe so you can use it if you need to contact us about your complaint. If someone is speaking to us on your behalf, please ensure they have your permission and that we know beforehand so we can talk to them.

What is a compliment, comment or complaint?

Compliment: complimentary feedback about our services. We welcome all types of feedback and our staff particularly enjoy receiving compliments, especially when they know they have made a customer happy.  Please let us know and we can pass on your thanks!

Comment: general feedback about our services which may include ideas, suggestions and solutions about how we could improve our services.  Your comments about our services may be used during policy reviews so please let us know if you have any ideas about how you think we could do things better.

Complaint: an expression of dissatisfaction. This could be about the standard of our service, or perhaps you feel we have not delivered the services to agreed standards, quality or timescales.  Unfortunately, sometimes things do go wrong and we encourage you to let us know when this has been the case so we can put things right and hopefully prevent it from happening again to you or another customer.

How can I feedback?

We value your feedback. When you comment, complain or compliment, you’re telling us what we’re doing right and where we can improve our services.

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to provide feedback, so there are lots of different ways to get in touch:

You can:

  • Call us on 0344 736 0063
  • Email
  • Log into The Hub at
  • Write to us at Redwing,16 Duke Street, Liverpool, L1 5GB
  • Go to our office and speak to a member of staff
  • Send us a message through our Facebook page, Twitter channel or Instagram 

Whatever way to choose to contact us, we want to hear from you. Your feedback makes a real difference to the services we provide.

What we do with feedback

First Time Resolution

When we receive your complaint, we will aim to resolve it when you first tell us that you are unhappy with our service; this is referred to as a First Time Resolution. We will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days and aim to provide a resolution by the 5 working days.  

If we can't resolve your complaint at First Time Resolution, we will escalate your complaint to Final Resolution of the complaints process.

Final Resolution

We will agree a date with you to respond by, keep you informed of progress and give you the name of the Manager who is investigating your complaint. They will look at all the issues you have raised and will aim to respond within 15 working days.

We will contact you by telephone, letter or a home visit to discuss your complaint in more detail, to make sure that we understand why you are unhappy with our service, before providing you with a written response.

Next Steps

At any point throughout our complaints process, you may take your complaint to a Designated Person. A Designated Person can be a Member of Parliament, a Local Councillor in the area where you live, or a recognised residents’ panel. They will try and help you resolve your complaint locally.

If you are unhappy with our final response you can take your complaint to either the Housing Ombudsman Service or the Property Ombudsman Service.

The Housing Ombudsman Service is set up by law to look at complaints about housing organisations that are registered with us, including housing associations and local authorities.

Housing Ombudsman Service

PO Box 152
Liverpool L33 7WQ

0300 111 3000

The Property Ombudsman is a government approved scheme to provide independent redress in relation to disputes between consumers and property agents.

The Property Ombudsman          

Milford House

43-55 Milford Street



01722 333 306  

You normally have up to 12 months from the date of our final response to refer your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman, and 6 months to the Property Ombudsman - although it is preferable that you do so as soon as possible.


Feedback surveys

Your feedback is important to us – it helps us to shape and improve our services.

To collect your feedback, we have partnered with CX Feedback to collect the views and opinions of our customers through email, text and call surveys.

If selected for the survey, your contact details will be shared in line with our  Data Privacy Notice

If you do not wish to be contacted for the survey, please let us know and we will ensure that your details are not shared, and you will not be contacted.


What is CX Feedback? 

The system enables us to send out surveys via a telephone call, text, or email so that we can listen to your views on a range of subjects. 

How will I know that these surveys are from The Regenda Group?

The surveys will be sent to you directly by email, text or as an incoming call. They will have our recognisable branding from CX Feedback or Pexel.

If you are concerned that they are not genuine, you can contact us to check. 


pexel logo pexel logo

Getting independent help

If you need help or advice or want someone, such as relative, a friend or an adviser, to act on your behalf, you can do this if we have your permission to talk to them.

If you need help to find an adviser who is independent you can contact the Citizens Advice Bureau, Housing Aid Centre, Local Law Centre, a solicitor, your local Councillor or your Member of Parliament. You can find contact details for these in local directories or on the internet. Even if your complaint is still going through our process you can contact the Housing Ombudsman or Property Ombudsman for advice, they are unlikely to investigate your complaint until we have provided a Final Response, but they may be able to offer advice.

Complaints Performance

The Housing Ombudsman's Complaints Handling Code has been updated and  became statutory on 1 April 2024.   The Code requires landlords to publish an annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement report for scrutiny and challenge.

Statement of compliance

Ensuring we listen and respond to customer feedback is embedded within our governance structure and reporting framework.  In preparing this annual complaints report, the Board has followed the principles set out in the Housing Ombudsman Complaints Code and self-assessment guidance.

A detailed review of the evidence in support of this self-assessment has been undertaken by the Member Responsible for Complaints. 

This annual complaints report was approved by the Board on 16 May 2024 following review by our Customer Feedback Panel and Resident Voice Panel, and signed on its behalf by Lesley Dixon, Chair, and John Wood, Member Responsible for Complaints.

Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report

As required by the Code, we have assessed our complaints performance and set our an action plan for improvement. These documents are available for our customers.

We have created a Complaints and Service Improvement Report which outlines how we are performing against our complaints service standards and includes a self-assessment against the Housing  Ombudman’s Complaint Handling Code. It outlines where we have got things wrong and what actions we have taken to improve our service.   

Our Complaints and Service Improvement Report 2023/2024

Our self-assessment against the Complaints Code 2023/2024

Our action plan for improvement 2024/2025


Alternative formats
If you require this information in another format (printed copies or large print), please contact Denise Allen:


Telephone: 0344 736 0066